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  • Small sample 5 kg capacity cone yarn dyeing machine prices

    Small sample 5 kg capacity cone yarn dyeing machine prices

    This machine is suitable for dyeing of polyester, nylon, cotton, wool, hemp etc. It is also suitable for their being bleached, refined, dyed and washed in water.

    Especially for small dyeing production, under 50kg per machine, can run the machine without steam.



    These machines are available with different levels of automations and can be equipped with either individual dedicated controllers or with centralised controller. machines is suitable for dyeing of all natural/manmade fibers such as Polyester, Cotton, Viscose, Nylon, Acrylic, Texturized, Silk, Wool, etc. in various forms of Cone, Tape, Narrow Fabrics, Zipper, Hanks, Ribbons, Tops, Loose Fiber. etc.